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New season!

Short recap of the first gaming session after starting this blog. It began with a ranking match because Season 4 2021 just begun and it ended as expected.

The games

The placement match was against a 2-base Skytoss that went Voidrays into Carriers. When pushing out with the first batch of roaches I could deny their 3rd but then attacked into the great wall of natural which basically suicided all the roaches without doing any damage. The following wave of Hydralisks evaporated against 3+ Carriers and the same happened to defensive Hydras when they reached my base.

After that game I was placed in wood league (bronze 2) like the red triangle told me last week. The other games were more or less like you would expect in bronze and as far as I remember there were no bigger blunders except maybe slight supply blocks. Everything went according to the game plan.


  1. Aim for guaranteed damage:
    • Deny a third
    • Destroy tech/production
    • Kill workers
    • Even trading army 1:1 can be in our favor
  2. Don’t pick hopelessly unfavored fights. Back off and return with a stronger army or in better position.
  3. In ZvZ get an Evolution Chamber with the Roach Warren. Missles +1 is so strong against Zerglings.


I am still figuring out how to put MMR in this blog so readers (me included) can put the things I have learned in relation to the resulting MMR. It should definitely not be the focus topic but is still valuable information for the reader.

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