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Season 51 (2/2022)

It's this time of the year again. Starting on April 1st we just entered a new season. Let's recap the previous one, and set mid-term goals for this one.

Let’s look at some data.


So the general trend is upwards, but there were some harsh losing streaks - especially after a forced 1 month break due to a cable outage. Thanks vodafone!

In the right graph it’s quite noticeable that I finally managed to get more consistent regarding supply blocks.

Race report
Race report

Looking at this I would have expected other numbers. Terran feels like my worst match-up by far with subjective 10% win rate. Versus Zerg I feel like it’s a coin-flip if I get Ling flooded or not. If yes, I am still really bad at holding or walling off. If no, I can often out-macro my opponent. Protoss is the match-up I am most comfortable with. Sure, Airtoss crushed my face many times, but with better scouting and creep spread I started to get better at holding 2 base all-in timings.

Goals for the new season


  • More consistent creep spread, especially in the early game
  • More consistent scouting
  • Use scouting information mainly for Drones vs Units and cheese defense
  • Slowly get more comfortable with Ravagers and Speedlings
  • Don’t neglect macro while working on the points above

For this blog

I love the “Highlight/Lowlight of the week” section on the Podcast The Climb: The StarCraft Ladder Experience and I also think replay analysis is worth practicing because it improves self-coaching a lot. That’s why I am thinking about adding analysis of highlight or howlight games to this blog.

The process will probably be to post the replay and my own analysis to the /r/allthingszerg Discord first and then post it here including the input of the fellow zergs. I am not sure about the final format because replay analysis with just text and images could be quite challenging. It should not be a 200 page novel for every replay, but it should also cover the biggest mistakes or most awesome moments.

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