Featured image of post sc2replaystats.com: Uploader for Linux

sc2replaystats.com: Uploader for Linux

I kind of like sc2replaystats.com to get some condensed statistics on my played games. But since I am using Linux there is no official uploader for replays. Nor do I want to upload replays manually. So I wrote my own minimal implemetation of a replay uploader.

Featured image of post Update on game plan

Update on game plan

A few sessions after my write-up on B2GM styles I found the answer to the question that closed my post. I asked myself if it really hurts me that bad if I add some elements to my play, that ViBE says I should not be ready for.

Featured image of post Handling Early Cheese (ZvP and ZvT)

Handling Early Cheese (ZvP and ZvT)

As an aspiring macro player going with ViBE's B2GM build I feel quite comfortable after I have my first safety roaches out. If I get attacked after I either create enough additional units or I die. This is on me and I can learn from my mistakes. But what if the enemy attacks before that? Let's talk about it.

Featured image of post PiG or ViBE or what?

PiG or ViBE or what?

After starting to play following PiG's B2GM I kind of felt I was going all-in every game. So I gave ViBE's B2GM series a try and started playing that style. After roughly 2 weeks with both styles I want to reflect on the differences and decide how to move on from here.

Featured image of post New season!

New season!

Short recap of the first gaming session after starting this blog. It began with a ranking match because Season 4 2021 just begun and it ended as expected.

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